Monday, July 31, 2006

Installation of Officers- July 30th

Mason Dixon Post 194 hosted Installation of Officers ceremonies for Post 15, 135, and 194 on July 30th. We held a cocktail hour from 2pm-3pm to give everyone a chance to mingle and catch up with one another. Here's some random table shots.

Here's our ALA president Polly Webb with husband and out-going Commander, Butch Webb.

Here's the Master of Ceremonies and past Commander, Neil Eller

Mayor Judy Cox and husband Jesse.

Now for some candids of some of our members who attented.

Our ALA Color Bearers, Flo Carlisle and Sandy Bulfaro.

Our "behind-the-scenes" members making sure that the food is perfect.

Northeastern Shore District ALA president Dee Ash with Post 15 Commander Tom Johnston

ALA Department of Maryland 2nd Vice President Meredith(Rusty) Beeg with Post 194's ALA Chaplain, Flo Carlisle.

Department of Maryland Commander David Schaaf

Adjutant Dennis Williams posing with Secretary of the County Legion Association, Dot Stryker.

The Head Table.

Our Auxiliary taking their oath.

Next the officers for the SAL are installed.

The officers of the American Legion being installed by David Schaaf.

Our newly installed Commander, Dick Kline.

Norma Johnson played "God Bles America" while the entire hall sang.

Our newly elected Mason Dixon Post 194 Officers

Dinner was followed up by dancing and karaoke in the lounge provided by Kruisin' Karaoke.


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